Solo Exhibition
On the path to alchemical gold
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Stoccarda
Kolbstr. 6, D 70178 Stuttgart, Germany
9th March - 3th April 2013
Opening: Saturday 9th March from 19:00
Special Opening: Saturday 16th March in the occasion of "Lange Nacht der Museen" from 19:00 to 2:00
Opening hours: Monday - Wednesday from 15:00 to 18:00, Thursday from 10:00 to 13:00
Mystical Treasures
“Mystical Treasures” is a thousand year path through an artistic reworking of those traditions that tried to integrate matter and spirit in order to better understand the human being and his role inside the universe. All these spiritual traditions elaborated in Magnani’s artworks, such as Taoism, Alchemy, the Greek mythology, and Christianity are all aiming to purification and elevation of the human being through a path taking its origin in the raw material until the achievement of purity and perfection: the Alchemical Gold.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Stoccarda, Ansus Consulting, Italia Arte, Museo MIIT Torino
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