Book Presentation


Science - Art - Philosophy

Springer 2022


Marilena Streit-Bianchi

Paola Catapano

Cristiano Galbiati

Enrico Magnani

Lunedì 11 Luglio 2022, ore 18.00

Auditorium Enzo Biagi - Sala Borsa

Piazza del nettuno 3 | BOLOGNA

sarà presentato per la prima volta al pubblico il libro “Advances in Cosmology”, Springer, 2022.

Un dibattito pubblico sulle visioni del nostro universo dal punto di vista dell’astrofisica contemporanea, della filosofia e dell’arte.

  • Massimo Tarenghi (astrofisico, direttore progetto VLT e Acatama Large Millimetre Array, ESO in Cile): l’universo visibile - collegamento con Luca Sbordone (astronomo dell’Osservatorio Paranal di ESO) dal deserto di Atacama Cile
  • Cristiano Galbiati (fisico studioso della Materia Oscura, Università di Princeton, USA e GSSI (Gran Sasso Scientific Institute l’Aquila): l’universo invisibile
  • Roberta Zanin, project scientist di Cta Observatory: nuova astronomia e onde gravitazionali
  • Rolf-Dieter Heuer (fisico, direttore generale del CERN (2009-2015), Presidente del Consiglio di SESAME (Synchrotron light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East): Arte e Scienza, l'infinitamente grande - l'infinitamente piccolo
  • Claudia Sciarma (Astrofisica e filosofa della scienza): filosofia e arte
  • Enrico Magnani (artista) Arte e Scienza, ispirazione della sua arte con riferimento alla mostra Light in the Dark

Modera Paola Catapano (Comunicazione CERN)

Cosmology’s journey to the present day has been a long one. This book outlines the latest research on modern cosmology and related topics from world-class experts. Through it, readers will learn how multi-disciplinary approaches and technologies are used to search the unknown and how we arrived at the knowledge used and assumptions made by cosmologists today. The book is organized into four parts, each exploring a theme that has troubled humankind for centuries. Since the dawn of time, looking at the sky, humans have tried to understand their origin, the laws governing it, and what influence it all has on human life. In most ancient civilizations, astronomers embodied the power of knowledge. This knowledge was not compartmentalized, and scientists often found philosophical implications within their quests, many of which destroyed the borders between the natural sciences. Even now, as observers and scientists continue to use conjecture to generate theoretical assumptions and laws that then have to be confirmed experimentally, said theoretical and experimental searches are being linked to philosophical thinking and artistic representation, as they were up until the 18th century. This multi-disciplinary book will appeal to anyone with an interest in the fields of Astronomy, Cosmology or Physics.